Wednesday 11 November 2020

STROKE :SYMPTOMS, CAUSES - ProActive physio clinic

What is stroke?

A stroke is a 'Brain attack'. It can happen to anyone at any time.It occurs when blood to an area of brain is cut off. When this happens brain cells are deprived of oxygen and begin to die. 

Hemorrhagic stroke : Blood leaking into the brain can cause a hemorrhagic stroke.

Ischemic stroke : Ischemic stroke caused by a clot or other blockage within an artery.

Transient ischemic attack (TIA) : Mini stroke is caused by a temporary disruption in the blood supply to part of the brain.

TIA does not last as long as a stroke. The effects last a few minutes to a few hours and fully resolve within 24 hours.

When brain cells die during a stroke, Abilities controlled by that area of the brain such as memory and motor control are lost.

1 in 4 adults will have a stroke in their lifetime. 

Strokes is a leading cause of serious long-term disability.

It is a day to educate the people and spread awareness and recognize the sign of STROKE.

TO Recognize the sign of stroke :

B – Balance: Is the person experiencing a sudden loss of balance or coordination?

E – Eyes: Is the person having a sudden change in vision or trouble seeing? 

F – Face: Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?

A – Arms: Ask the person to raise both arms and legs. Does one arm drift downward or can not move leg?

S – Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Is their speech slurred or strange?

T – Time: If you observe any of these signs, Time to call ambulance immediately. And get to the hospital fast.

Causes :

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Smoking
  • Physical inactivity

Physiotherapy :

In Stroke Physical Therapy plays an important role in the process of rehabilitation. Physiotherapy improves recovery of function and mobility after stroke. Rehabilitation should continue for as long as the person is showing measurable benefit from treatment and has achieved their agreed goals.

From 24 hours after a stroke, physiotherapists begin rehabilitation, focused on getting out of bed, standing and walking.This repetitive task training helps people regain movement and relearn everyday activities.

Consult an expert at ProActive Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic for Stroke rehabilitation and more tips.
Call 7021498174 for an appointment.


Tuesday 14 July 2020

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation | First Aid (CPR)

Immediate CPR can double or triple chances of survival after cardiac arrest.
CPR can be used to restore and improve the blood circulation to the brain in case of cardiac arrests due to emotional stress and accident, once trained medical staff arrive on site.
CPR is aimed at improving the blood circulation to the brain when a person suffers a cardiac arrest, through rescue breath and chest compressions.
Loss of consciousness, finding no pulse, breathlessness and collapsing are certain conditions that often occur due to cardiac arrests. CPR can prove to be a life-saviour in such cases.
According to the American Heart Association, there is a 70 per cent survival chance if CPR is provided on time. Therefore, the general public must be trained in such life-saving procedures.

Ask someone to call on 102 or 112 for medical emergency.
And follow the procedure.
Make sure person is lying on his back.
1.Rescue breaths :
Make sure their mouth is clear, tilt their head back slightly and lift their chin. Pinch their nose shut, place your mouth fully over theirs, and blow to make their chest rise. For a stranger you can use handkerchief or paper.

2.Chest compression :
For delivery of chest compressions. overlapped hands placed on the center of the sternum(chest), with the rescuer's arms extended. Chest compressions are to be delivered at a rate of at least 100 to 120/min.compressions per minute to a depth of at least 2 inches (5 cm) for an average adult, while avoiding excessive chest compression depths.

 If you don’t want to do mouth-to-mouth, chest compressions alone may still be life-saving.Repeat the compression cycle until the person starts to breathe or medical help arrives. If the person begins to breathe, have them lie on their side quietly until medical assistance is on the spot.
CPR is a life-saving skill that everyone should learn.

Tuesday 7 July 2020

What is Physiotherapy? ProActivePhysio

Physiotherapy helps with joint pain , muscle pain or sudden injury, managing long term medical condition such as asthma, COPD and in preparing for childbirth or a sporting event.

Treats condition such as :
Neurological (stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's,Gullien barre syndrome)

musculoskeletal (back pain, sports injuries, arthritis)

Cardiovascular (chronic heart disease , rehabilitation after heart attack)

Respiratory (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis).

PT management :
A physiotherapist will assess your physical condition, educate you  on your pain and its related issues and then customise a rehabilitation program specifically suited for your condition.
It includes specific exercises, manual therapy to stretch stiff joints & muscles, and manipulation, mechanical devices such as traction, electrical modalities which include heat, cold, electricity, sound waves, radiation, assistive devices, prostheses, orthoses, and other interventions.
Developing fitness and wellness-oriented programs for healthier and more active lifestyles. It is to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout the lifespan. It can lead a healthy, fit and pain-free life.

Is there any side effects?
Physiotherapy is generally safe when practiced under the expert professionally qualified physical therapist.

Friday 12 June 2020

Pregnancy and physiotherapy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases of a woman’s life but comes with a bodily changes and pain. There are changes to the woman’s body to accommodate for the growing baby. Pregnancy put a huge strain on woman's body.

The physiological changes come with pregnancy  an increase in body mass and laxity in supporting structures.It cause postural adaptation such as alteration in alignment of the spine and weight bearing joint cause backache and pelvic pain.Hormonal changes in body may also trigger pain.
Taking drugs at this time can be dangerous to the health for unborn child.

How does Physiotherapy help in Pregnancy?
Physiotherapy while prenatal and postpartum (after child birth) is to prepare women body for pregnancy.
Exercise helps to strengthen the pelvic floor in preparation for childbirth.
Core stability training to prevent and treat back pain during pregnancy and after pregnancy.
Women who exercising during pregnancy are less likely to experience difficult labors.
Women who exercise during pregnancy are more likely to return to their pre-pregnancy weight faster
it is still very important to maintain correct ergonomic adjustments for women during this phase.

Monday 9 March 2020

Physiotherapy after Total knee Replacement -ProActivePhysio

After surgery You may have a pain or there will be a less mobility of a joint..So the aim of a physiotherapy after tkr is to reduce the pain and increase mobility and function.
Regular exercise will help to restore strength and mobility of knee and a gradual return to everyday activities. It is recommended up to 30 minutes of exercise twice to three in a day.You may feel discomfort at first. once you get used to it will help speedy recovery.

This guide may help you to understand the exercises and activity protocol.To ensure safety  check with your phyiotherapist or surgeon before performing any of the exercises.
Exercises will reduce the formation of scar tissue inside your knee joint and improvet mobility of the scar tissue. It also helps to reduce swelling.

Ankle pumps :
Pump your feet up and down by pulling your feet up toward you, then pushing down away from you. In addition to rotate your feet clockwise and anticlockwise.
It should be done 10 times every hour while you are awake.


Quadriceps sets :
Lie down on your back or in a long sitting. Place a small rolled towel behind the knee. And push the back of the knee down into the rolled towel.
Hold it tight for  5 seconds.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Short arc quad :
Lie on your back and use a  bolster cushion or basketball to prop up operated knee.
Slowly straighten your bent knee until it is all the way straight.Tighten your muscle and hold it tight for 5 seconds.
Slowly lower leg down.
Repeat it for 10 times.

Knee bend :
Lie on your back or in a long sitting. Place a sheet around the foot of your operated
leg. Use it to help bend the operated knee. Keep your heel on the bed . Hold for 5 seconds.Slowly lower your leg down.Repeat it for 10 times.

Sitting Knee Extension : 
Sitting on a chair,with knees bent. Lift your operated foot off the floor by straightening your knee.Feel the stretch behind the thigh and knee.
Hold it for 5 seconds.Slowly lower your leg back to the floor.              

Initially you can walk using walker.
Once your balance improves, you may begin using crutches or a cane instead of a walker. Follow all instructions given by your physiotherapist.
And gradually you can progress to stairs climbing and down stairs.
Progression will be based on individual patient presentation .
For the first four weeks you should do your exercises at least three times throughout the day.
If you are sent home from the hospital, you may choose to have a home care. Physiotherapist to your house for your rehabilitation.
This is usually arrange if patient can not travel to Physiotherapy center.

Ice Application
It is important to do cryotherapy (ice application) atleast 5 times a day.
Cryotherapy for 15-20 mins post exercise program.
Consult an expert at ProActive Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic for knee Rehab and more tips.
Call 7021498174 for an appointment.

Wednesday 4 March 2020


Sciatica is nerve pain from irritation of the sciatic nerve.
Sciatica is one of the most familiar complaints  that affect 70-80%.
It is the pain in the lower back that continues from the hip and buttocks to leg .
Numbness, tingling sensation may be felt at the back of the leg.

Sitting for a long time, with your wallet and keys in your back pocket can irritate your piriformis muscle. The sciatic nerve passes under this muscle, which may compressed by your wallet. When this happens, the sciatic nerve may also become pressured.

Tight jeans and underwear with tight elastic can trigger  sciatica.

Wearing high heels may also irritate sciatica nerve..

overweight is another way to put pressure on your sciatic nerve.

Prevention :
Take out the wallet from your back pocket before you sit down.It is recommended to keep your back pockets empty while sitting.

Use good posture when sitting, standing and sleeping.

Avoid sitting for longer time.

Phyiotherapy for Sciatica :
Consult a physiotherapist
Maintain good posture.
Strengthen the muscles of back and abdomen.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

What is Frozen shoulder?

Frozen Shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is a progressive pain and stiffness with marked loss of mobility and function.
Frozen shoulder causes the capsule surrounding the shoulder joint to contract and form scar tissue.  
the incidence of frozen shoulder in diabetics can be 10 to 38%. Researchers are unsure why the risk is increased in these patient groups.
It affects mainly people ages 40 to 60 . 
Women more often than men.

Who gets frozen shoulder?
1.People who don't receive exercise therapy after an injury, and when wear a sling for more than a few days without intermittent stretching.   
2.Immobility resulting from a stroke, heart condition may also result in a frozen shoulder.
4. Parkinson's disease

 Investigations :
      In some cases, patients may be referred for X-rays or MRI to rule out other causes of shoulder pain. X-rays are not able to diagnose frozen shoulder. MRI can provide a definitive diagnosis. Though this is usually not required if you have a skilled shoulder practitioner assessing you.

Treatment :
Your clinician may recommend an anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen.
You may be given a corticosteroid injection into the shoulder joint or soft tissues.

Physiotherapy : 
Physical therapy for frozen shoulder typically involves using therapeutic modalities and procedures to reduce your pain, and aggressive range of motion (ROM) exercises to help improve your shoulder's mobility. Exercises and movement are essential for the successful treatment of your frozen shoulder. Heat pack should apply before exercise.
     An icepack to the shoulder joint post exercise. 

Surgery :
Surgery for frozen shoulder is rare, but if nothing else has helped, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove scar tissue and adhesions from inside your shoulder joint.