Friday 12 June 2020

Pregnancy and physiotherapy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases of a woman’s life but comes with a bodily changes and pain. There are changes to the woman’s body to accommodate for the growing baby. Pregnancy put a huge strain on woman's body.

The physiological changes come with pregnancy  an increase in body mass and laxity in supporting structures.It cause postural adaptation such as alteration in alignment of the spine and weight bearing joint cause backache and pelvic pain.Hormonal changes in body may also trigger pain.
Taking drugs at this time can be dangerous to the health for unborn child.

How does Physiotherapy help in Pregnancy?
Physiotherapy while prenatal and postpartum (after child birth) is to prepare women body for pregnancy.
Exercise helps to strengthen the pelvic floor in preparation for childbirth.
Core stability training to prevent and treat back pain during pregnancy and after pregnancy.
Women who exercising during pregnancy are less likely to experience difficult labors.
Women who exercise during pregnancy are more likely to return to their pre-pregnancy weight faster
it is still very important to maintain correct ergonomic adjustments for women during this phase.